Archive for July, 2005

If You Need New Customers…….

If You Need
New Customers, Offer Something
For FREE To Get Them In

Nothing, I repeat nothing, works like a free offer. And I mean free. No
conditions if at all possible. If you have a good sales system and follow up,
you’ll find that making some sort of a FREE offer is almost always the cheapest
way to get lots of new customers very quickly.

What Should You Offer?

Well it depends! You could offer a sample of your product or service or a
free report to get them to call you. You could offer free advice or a free trial, or
you could try these:

  • If I had a coffee shop I’d be giving free coffee.
  • If I had a clothes shop a free T-shirt.
  • If I had a wholesale operation I’d offer $300 against your first months order/account with us.
  • If I had a laundry/dry cleaning shop I’d offer $10 worth of cleaning.
  • If I wanted a job, I’d offer to work for nothing for a month.

I am sure you’re getting the point, aren’t you? The reason this works so
well is because every business is built on repeat sales and referrals. And the
quicker you build a customer base, the quicker these start to kick in.


Golden Rule #13


Do You Love Me?

Will You Remember Me?

Golden Rule #13

Nobody has been able to show a relationship between advertising recall and actual sales. The standard form of measuring the effectiveness of an ad by mainstream advertising agencies and media reps is by recall. Or how many people actually remember the ad after it runs for a set period. This is really stupid. The only thing that should count from your point of view, is not how many people remember your ads – but how many actually went and bought your product. If all you want is recall, just run ads featuring chimpanzees dressed in a swimming costume. Sales are where it’s at, so don’t get bamboozled by fancy words and advertising jargon.


A free Lunch?

A free Lunch?

Is there really such a thing?

Invite Your “A Customer’s” to Regular Lunches

A great way to get to know your customers and to build rapport with them is to invite them to a luncheon.  It doesn’t have to be an elaborate affair just invite 10 of your ‘A ’ customers at a time. Invite one of them to be a Guest Speaker and ask them to bring a friend. They will not only be very grateful to be invited, but you get a chance to schmooze their friends into doing business with you too. Take advantage of this situation to get New Customers.

Maybe invite the ‘ B’ customers at times too and they will soon step up and become your ‘A’ customers.

 After the luncheon, send them all a thank you letter with a special offer to the guest friends. Perhaps offer them a free consultation to get to know them better and discuss if their needs are being met by their present supplier or coach. You could say in your letter:

“Thank you very much for being our special guest at our regular VIP customers luncheon.  We at XYZ company love spoiling our customers and look for any excuse to get to know and understand them better.  If you feel you would like to be part of our XYZ family to join us regularly at our Free Lunches, please feel free to call John on 478  _ _ _ _ and make an appointment for a free consultation so we can get to know you and ascertain how best we can help and serve you.”