Archive for May, 2010

Now I Am Ready To Make It Happen!

“I Am Going To Pay Off My Investment Houses and I will Be Mortgage Free”

Bee Choo Tee tells of her exciting “Jam-Packed” week, training with BBI and looks forward to her bright future.

Feedback from BBI Boot Camp attendee

Bee Choo Tee, Auckland NZ



Your Credibility

Your Credibility

Whilst reading your ad, your prospect is constantly asking “So what?”.
Whether it’s conscious or unconscious, it’s for real . . . and it’s something you
must deal with. That’s why you must tell them why they should believe what
you’re saying is true. You must present “evidence” in a convincing way that will
win them over. You can do this with . . .

  •  Success stories
  •  Case studies
  •  Testimonials from people who are like your prospects
  •  Testimonials that focus on benefits
  •  Endorsements from ‘celebrities’ of your target market
  •  And other ‘credibility boosters’ and believability builders.

One of the powerful differences between this system and the AIDA formula,
or others like it, is the fact that you put the credibility-boosters near the very front
of your ad or sales letter. Why? Simply because we are all tired of being
scammed . . . “taken” . . . “ripped off”. It’s happened one too many times for
each of us, and we’re all on our guard to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Putting your testimonials, celebrity testimonials, case studies, or any of the other
credibility boosters near the front will help your prospects overcome their fear.
You can even put powerful testimonials right in your headline . . . and once
you’ve done that, the next thing you have to do is . . .