What’s Your USP?

What’s Your USP?

A Common Mistake Made By Many Business Owners – No USP!

One of the most common mistakes in business is not differentiating yourself from your competitor. Your USP or Unique Selling Proposition sets you apart from other similar businesses, and makes clients or prospective clients choose your products or services every time. This gives you the lead on achieving your dream and making your business OUTSTANDING instead of mediocre or worse… faltering.

To find your USP, look within your business! What is one of your services or benefits that you offer that would make someone buy from you every time instead of your competitor? Something unique but would benefit them.

In absence of Value or Point of Difference the only decisive argument is Lowest Price

You want your USP to stand out, give your prospective client no doubt that you are the one to deal with. If you are seen to be the same as the other businesses, offering the same product, same availability, same service, then the only way they can make a discerning decision as to whom to buy from is ON PRICE. 

Do You Want To Earn Less Than Your Rivals!

Of course not …

The first step in outsmarting and outperforming your competitors is to define your

Unique Selling Proposition and become the best you can be!

You will remember a well known Pizza franchise that won hands down with their USP

“We will deliver hot pizza to your door in less than 30 minutes or It’s Free!”

You also will remember the kiwi icon – The Warehouse, their winning USP was:

“Warehouse Where Everyone Gets The Bargain And The Money Back Guarantee”

By putting your business out on its own, by raising your standards, you can raise your prices and you automatically raise your profit margin and volume.

Don’t underestimate this extremely common mistake – Not Having USP – or the point of difference. You not only get more customers with a well defined USP but

You Can Charge More Too

Why do you think Harley-Davidson – the famous motorcycle company charges premium for its bikes? Because they are well positioned in the market place with their USP:

Owning and riding a motorcycle a fun thing to do

How do you go about creating one for your business? Well ask yourself a question:

“Why should I, as a prospective customer, do business with you vs/ doing it with competitors vs. doing it myself vs. doing nothing at all?”

This will get you started and if you wish to get a helping hand – contact our office. We’ll put you in touch with our Unique and Talented Business Coach in your locality!

What are you waiting for?  Do it now… set yourself apart… BE UNIQUE!

Turbo charge your business by using the power of USP!

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  1. How To Assure That Your Employees Perform And Make Your Business Money | Better Business Institute +649 4770490

    […] you’ve defined your or your business singular promise (a.k.a. UBA) and identified the team to deliver that promise. This article shows you how to take that team you […]

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