Crazy Sounding Offers Can Make You Rich

Add Value To
Your Product — Crazy Sounding
Offers Can Make You Rich

There is a car dealer in Texas who runs ads with the headline …

2 Cars for the Price of 1!

He then tells how he can’t give you 2 new cars for the price of one. However,
he will give you a roadworthy used car if you buy a new car from him. Hundreds of
people did just that.

Lester Nathan a management consultant who’s helping me in my business,
created an ad offering the added value of a ‘loaner’ car for a smash repair company.

Of course the cost of these add-ons is covered in the price, however the perceived
value (in the customer’s eyes) of the add-on is far greater than the cost.

This ad doubled the sales of this smash repair shop within 3 months!

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