

Once you have an incredibly powerful, no-risk offer that motivates your
prospect to take action, you should make a strong guarantee that removes all of the
risk (this will only work if your product is good). Then you add in some
scarcity . . . the scarcity will hopefully motivate them to act now. Don’t beat
around the bush with this either. You’ve got to come right out and tell them to take
action now. Tell them to:
            “Take the action right now that’s going to allow you to live the life you’ve
only dreamed of up ‘til now! This is your chance to learn how to … blah blah
blah — and by learning how to do it, you’re going to get this benefit and this, and
this and this! And guess what? You won’t get any of it unless you take action right
this minute.”

The fact is, you must compel your prospect to take action now. And you must
tell them in no uncertain terms that if they don’t act now, their chance to get the
benefits you’re offering them may be gone forever.
Couple this tactic with scarcity and a warning . . . and now you’ve practically
got them smackin’ themselves and kickin’ themselves if they don’t order, or don’t
come into your store, or whatever.
Try it, this really works!

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